

Looking for Flowers in Prague

My best friend Pip has taken me to Prague for the weekend. What a friend! She is in search of art galleries, I am naturally in search of flowers.
Early indications are good; a purple and blue skirt of salvia and yarrow around one of the many monuments that populate the city.
But flower shops? Not that I could find. So I make do with admiring the beautiful buildings,
... and spotting a rose carrying bride.
(What a dress!)
But far and away the best discovery of all is Tom the barman.
I do love a man who puts orchids in my cocktails!
So if you are ever in Prague, remember to call into Tretters Cocktail Bar and ask for Tom. (I can thoroughly recommend a 'Romance' which is a mixture of crushed blackberries and raspberries, with a splash of cassis, raspberry syrup and lemon juice, topped up with Champagne. Heaven.)
But do not make the mistake of asking a rather drunk Russian to take a photograph of you and your friend afterwards!


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